Siobán Mary Healy

United Kingdom

Position: Lawyer

Type of Occupation: Arbitrator and Barrister KC

Area of expertise: Arbitrator in Sports Law disputes

Member of the month: August, 2024

We are delighted to announce our Member of the Month Siobán Mary Healy.

Arbitrator and Barrister KC, United Kingdom.

How did you get involved in sports law?

In 2015, I accepted a serendipitous invitation from an arbitral institution to include my name on a shortlist to chair a sports arbitration at another arbitral institution which normally only appoints arbitrators from a closed list. However, on this occasion, they wished to appoint a chair with substantial arbitral experience but no prior connection with the sport or the parties. That particular case, which remains confidential, was only finally resolved in 2021 after several hearings and awards. By that time, I had been admitted to CAS Panel, the Sports Resolutions Panel and the Premier League Judicial Panel.

What was your most memorable achievement in the sector?

Probably getting admitted to the CAS Panel. I have also been proud to be involved as arbitrator in several arbitrations concerning rules intended to protect minor children from being exploited in the sporting world, and other arbitrations regarding alleged match-fixing

Any advice for someone trying to break in to the sector?

Join Sports Law organisations, attend conferences and network.

Greatest challenge you’ve had to overcome?

Establishing myself as someone knowledgeable about arbitration including Sports Law in a sometimes male-dominated industry.

Why did you decide to focus on Arbitration?

Over the last 10-15 years, I have built up a career as an arbitrator in international commercial disputes. I have always enjoyed sports and accepting the invitation from the arbitral institution gave me that chance to combine my existing expertise on international arbitration with my love of sports.

How has WISLaw helped you in your career?

It is wonderful to have an organisation like WISLaw which has like-minded people with whom you can share knowledge and experiences.

What do you do in your spare time?

I spend my spare time near Chamonix in the French Alps and enjoy hiking, trail running and ski touring.

If you weren’t a sports lawyer, what profession do you think you would have?

I would still be a lawyer practising in commercial disputes but without the added fun and interest of sports disputes.